It all began while I was working in the capital of go-to engineering: Stuttgart, Germany. Over the course of many long nights and weekends I had transformed the copiously collected notes stacked on my test bench into the first edition of The Fender Bassman 5F6-A.
Traditional publishing houses considered the subject too technically advanced and narrowly focused for mainstream distribution. They were right. The academic community wanted groundbreaking new technology, not vacuum tube circuits created half a century ago. Then in the summer of 2005 some colleagues in Seattle came to the rescue to help create the company now known as Amp Books.
Since then we have published online articles and tutorials and added more books to the hard-copy line-up, including a complete rewrite of the Bassman book.
To create truly innovative products in a highly competitive business environment, professional guitar amp designers need more than simplistic advice. Amp Books is dedicated to promoting solid engineering principles and to providing quantifiable, objective conclusions free of hype, personal bias, and superstition.
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